Call Us Today @
Oak Bay Pet Clinic
Here at Oak Bay Pet Clinic, we value your pet's emotional as well as physical wellbeing and will go the extra mile to ensure their visit is kind, patient and focused on their experience with you, their owner. We know they are members of the family that deserve the very best, and their families are the best ones to help them. We provide all necessary options to help you provide the best quality of life possible for your dear friends, as they continue to give back with all their might.
Oak Bay Pet Clinic has served its local community since 1951. Dr. Dudzic has been the key veterinarian since 2001, and continues to enjoy a lifelong journey with her patients, and clients.
We are accepting new patients, including 'exotics' like rabbits, guinea pigs, rodents, birds, alongside our companion animals of dogs and cats. We are a full service facility offering pet emergencies, elective surgeries of castration and ovariohysterectomy, dentistry, x-ray and treat critical care patients. Vaccinations, parasite control, nutrition all are part of our preventive care approach. Palliative care is an extra special area we continue to provide, for our end of life patients. We believe a collaborative close approach focusing on quality of life is key to ensuring a peaceful process.
Dr. Dudzic is also pursuing specialist status certification in Behavior Medicine and happy to assist any companion animal behavioral challenge, no matter how big or small. She is working under her mentor, Dr. Sagi Denenberg, a veterinary behavior specialist out of Toronto, Canada. All behavior cases seen will also get the benefit of review by Dr. Denenberg. For behaviour related problems please visit www.kindheartvetbehaviour.com.
We are now closed on Saturday for food sales. Our food store has also relocated back to the clinic at 1826 Oak Bay Ave across the parking lot so please go to the clinic for your vet food needs. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dr. Dudzic's extra training in behavior medicines drives the entire practice to commit to making sure our patients' experience in the clinic is an easy, stress-free one. Safe pre-visit sedatives will be suggested to help achieve this if necessary. Call us for more details if your pet has a particular hard time with vet visits or has an anxiety concern, or is coming near the end of their journey with you.
We offer emergency pet care during clinic hours alongside all types of veterinary care. After hours emergencies will be directed to Central Victoria Veterinary Hospital at 250-475-2495.